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Más de 40 Juristas Españoles panelistas en el Congreso Mundial del Derecho de Nueva York




Este congreso, organizado por la World Jurist Association contó con más de 250 panelistas y 35 mesas entre los que destacaron dos jefes de estado, ex presidentes del gobierno, jueces, fiscales y abogados de reconocido prestigio de todo el mundo.

Al acto acudió también Úrsula Von der Leyen, presidenta de la Comisión Europea, a recibir el premio World Peace & Liberty Award por su promoción de la paz. El World Law Congress fue clausurado por el  Rey Felipe VI en la Sede de Naciones Unidas en Nueva York.


Entre los participantes españoles al congreso se encuentran:

  • Javier Cremades, Presidente de la World Jurist Association
  • Diego Solana, Attorney. International Advisor of the World Law Foundation
  • José Ramón Bauzá, Member of the European Parliament
  • Pedro Azagra, CEO of Avangrid
  • Vicente Lopez-ibor Mayor, President EFELA (European Federation of Energy Law Association’s)
  • Pilar Colomés, Counsel at the International Arbitration Department at Eversheds Sutherland and Professor of Public International Law
  • Pilar Perales Viscasillas, Professor at Law, International Commercial Law and International Arbitration, Carlos III University and Member of the Sustainability Board of Mapfre
  • Montserrat Abad Castelos, Professor of Public International Law at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain; Vice-Chancellor of ICEL and Co-Director of its International Secretariat
  • Teresa Parejo, Sustainability and Corporate Social Responsibility Director, IBERIA; Co-director of the ICEL’s International Secretariat
  • Gerardo Codes,  General Counsel of Iberdrola
  • Blas J. Imbroda,  Honorary President of the International Criminal Bar Association
  • Rosario Silva de Lapuerta, Vice-President of the Court of Justice of the European Union (2018- 2021)
  • Encarnación Roca, Spain Vice President Emeritus of the Constitutional Court. Partner at Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo
  • Carolina Marín Pedreño, Vice President of the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL). Former President of Westminster and Holborn Law Society
  • Andrés Conde, CEO Save the Children
  • Carolina Marín Pedreño, Vice President of the International Academy of Family Lawyers (IAFL)
  • Juan Gonzalo Ospina, Trustee of the World Law Foundation. Criminal Lawyer
  • Teresa del Riego, Lawyer. Deputy Director to the World Law Foundation
  • Manuel García Goñi, Professor at Complutense University of Madrid
  • Saioa Armendáriz, Economist, International Monetary Fund
  • Cristina Hermida del Llano, Professor at Rey Juan Carlos University
  • Teresa Lin Qiu, Senior Associate in the Litigation and Arbitration Department at Garrigues
  • César García Novoa, Director of the Taxation Program at the University of Santiago de Compostela
  • Jesús Campos Falcones, Responsible for the legal area at BB&CC Consulting China
  • Domingo Bello Janeiro, President of the Advisory Committee for Spanish Affairs of the Permanent Conference of Academies of Juridical and Social Sciencies of Ibero América
  • Juan Pablo González, Chief Justice of the Provincial High Court of Madrid
  • Alfonso Cavallé Cruz, Delegate of the General Council of Notaries for Latin America. Dean of the Notarial Association of the Canary Islands
  • Rosa Ana Morán Martínez, Prosecutor of the Supreme Court. Chief Prosecutor of the Special Anti-Drug Prosecutor’s Office
  • Carmen Boulet Alonso, Delegate of the General Council of Notaries for Economic Affairs and International Organizations. Notary Public of Madrid
  • Carlos Francisco Molina del Pozo, Director of the Center for European Studies of the University of Alcalá de Henares. President of the Euro-Latin American Institute of Integration Studies
  • Antonella di Campo, Founder and CEO of the Fashion Law Institute Spain, Director of FLIS Magazine
  • Rafael Tripero, Managing Partner at Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo
  • Juan Luis Cebrián, World Law Foundation Strategic Advisor, Honorary President of El País
  • Carme Artigas, Secretary of State for Digitization and Artificial Intelligence
  • Rodolfo Tesone, Attorney. Advisor on the Digital Rights Letter
  • Antíoco Cuesta, CoFounder of Improove
  • Victor Martínez-Simancas, Senior Counsel at Iberdrola Networks Business
  • Jennifer Riveiro Ilende, Managing Partner at Ilende and Partners
  • Maia Gez, USA Partner in the Capital Markets Group at White & Case
  • Jose-Felix Zaldivar, Managing Partner of the New York Office at Uría Menendez
  • Álvaro Cremades Calvo-Sotelo, Summer Intern at Paul Weiss
  • Xesus Palmou, President of the Xacobea Academy. Representative of the Permanent Conference of Ibero American Legal Academies (CPAJI)

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